Unique Client Solutions

Here is a sampling of the different types of people we have mentored over the years:

Young Students


Helping a private high school student with autism determine viable occupations helping them choose the best fit college. Result: Currently facilitating their exploration of the various branches of physical science such that once they go to college they will step foot on campus with a precise curriculum strategy to discover their career within the first couple years of college.

Helping a young adult on a college football team staff translate their passion for coaching into an occupation. Result: Identified sports psychology as their “sweet spot” occupation.  Assisted their obtaining a top notch sport psychology internship at the University of Arizona Athletic Program.  Now successfully completing a PhD in Sports Psychology at the University of Texas.


Large group of ethnicity

Psychology student trying to figure out the best graduate program to channel their passions in psychological science. Result: Now attending Washington State University and feeling may have found their sweet spot.

Helping an Eller School of Business undergraduate senior student identify the best subsector within the dizzying array of opportunities within the field of business and investment.  Result: Obtained their top choice job offer and now working at Blackrock Financial Planning and Investment Management, based in San Francisco.

Helping female adolescent with special learning needs obtain best fit vocational training to become a cosmetologist through technical training.


professional services

Helping a young adult with musical skills and interests determine their best next step. Result: Successfully and joyfully developing musical talent and band locally while also earning a satisfying living in food services industry.

Helping a younger-aged female professional working with marketing firm wishing to find more meaningful work. Result: Now happily working as a doctoral level therapist.

Helping an adult with technical skills in financial analysis determine the best occupation. Result: Now working as an independent financial analyst.

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